Question on fungus and sharpness : LUSENET : Photography Singapore : One Thread

I have some questions. I'm using EOS500 with 35-80mm lens. Recently, I found that there are fungus like thing. How can I get rid of that ? Need to service it in the shop ?

I also found that the print I get is not pin-sharp. Is it worth buying a good lens but still use it on my EOS500 ? If so what lens should I buy and how much ?

Thanks, Ben

-- Ben (, August 13, 1999


Hi Ben,

If the fungus is appearing to grow from the inside, I suggest you send the lens to a qualified technician for cleaning. I wouldn't recommend you do it yourself, unless....

It's either to the Canon agent or if I may suggest, Prime Camera at Peninsula.

Not getting pin sharpness? Could it be your manual focusing? Do you rely totally on auto-focus? Could your focusing screen be out of alignment? Did you use your lens on its' widest aperture most of the time? Was the shutter speed slower than you could hand-hold? Did you use a monopod or tripod when you should? Do you rely totally on the program mode? Did you check the results taken on transparencies? Is your lab consistently reliable when printing from negatives? All these have to be taken into consideration. Any lens will have its' weaknesses, but check on how you're using it first.

Buying a good lens is primary to all. EOS500 would do just fine.

Since I'm no Canon user, hope others could recommend a suitable lens for you. But would be better if you'd let them know what sort of photography you intend the lens for.


-- Paul Chuah (, August 13, 1999.

Hi Paul or anyone,

Thanks for your advise. Does it mean that the fungus grows only in the lens and not the reflective mirror/glass in the body ? Do you know how much does it cost to service the lens ?

I do basically general photography (People, Landscape and Buildings). On the question of not getting pinsharp, I have eliminated all possibility except the lens and the printer. Is it more likely that the lens or the printer shop that does not give me the pin sharp effect ? Can you reconmend a good lens & how much will it cost ?

Thanks, Ben

-- Ben (, August 16, 1999.

Basically, fungus grows on anywhere that's condusive. Not limited to lens elements, they can also be found growing on prisms, mirrors and other metal parts that has been left moist. They also grow on the leather cases.

Lens choice. Any focal length could be used for landscape though many may feel the wide angle is most suitable. Do not limit yourself to the wides. Experiment with others. You may be surprised how much a standard or tele lens can offer for landscape photography. I do plenty of assignments shooting golf courses, and in my opinion the standard lens offers me the most natural perspective.(35mm and 120 format)

Same for portraits. Depending on your mood or expression. Wide, standard or tele could be used for people shots. When emphasis and isolation is needed, a tele would be suitable. For association of your subject with the environment, a standard and the wide does the job, just like the National Geographic Mag's portraits of people.

For buildings, it is the same too. Depending on how you would want the outcome to be. Naturally for lack of space, a wide is recommended, but beware of the 'keystoning effect' when you tilt up or down. Sometimes it may help by exaggerating the tilt to create a looming effect. But if a proper building shot is to be done, get a perspective control lens or otherwise, photograph the building mid-height of it from another high ground or building.

All these said, a lens focal lenght of between 20mm to 200mm would be useful for most of your shoots. Ideally it would be nice to have all the prime lenses from end to end. For practical purposes a zoom would fit the bill but I would personally split the range into half. From a wide to a short tele. And from short tele to the long end.

Again, you'll need Canon users to fill in the rest. This is only my opinion from years of usage (I use primes from wide end to tele end and one short zoom). Others may present a fresh viewpoint. Keep an open mind. Photography isn't all about rules but your purpose of interpretation.

-- Paul Chuah (, August 16, 1999.

A good all round lens would be the EF 24-85. This would set you back about $500.00 but it is a good consumer lens. Quite sharp.

-- Benjamin Yap (, August 21, 1999.

Dear Ben, I am also a newbie using a second hand EOS500 with a EF50 f/1.8 This lens offer very high quality for low price.

-- Petia Chaos (, March 28, 2001.

I agree with Petia Chaos. I am using EOS 30e with EF28-105 that comes with it when i bought it. I am happy with the combination until i added the EF50mm f/1.8 mkII. Now, for my walk around gear the 50mm always stays on my camera and the 28-105 is attached when i needed a longer focal lenth, btw i bought mine $S160.00. Don't go to Lucky Plaza, try cathay photo or john 3:16 at funan.

-- ferdi (, March 24, 2002.


-- MONICA (, August 23, 2002.

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