of interest to you bears

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

If your interested in a detailed list of things that will lead to the impending market crash, see this article below:

http://www.capitalism.net/stockmkt.htm (could someone please provide a link:-)

Its kinda long but really interesting.

Anyone out there have fresh information on the tiger fund issues?

been lurking a long time, ww

-- wayne witcher (wwitcher@mvtel.net), August 10, 1999


When Will the Bubble Burst?
  George Reisman

The "Irrepressible" Stock Market

-- Brian (imager@home.com), August 10, 1999.

I generally get lost in these economic discussions, but this guy makes sense to me. I think we know a fall is comming in the stock market, but we just don't know how big it will be.I have a feeling that when it becomes apparent that the free ride is really over, the bottom will fall completely out. I'm talking a fall to 3000 or 4000.

-- citizen (lost@sea.com), August 10, 1999.

Great treatment! In the water-filling-the-bathtub analogy, I am assuming that the bathtub drain is open, hence when the flow of new water (money) into the tub stops, the water level (stock market) falls? The author never really makes that point clear, but I assume that is what he is saying. (?)

-- King of Spain (madrid@aol.com), August 10, 1999.

SO, how does Yardeni support his DOW 15,000 by 2005? Does he believe that inflation will depress the purchasing value of our dollar. Or is he saying DOW 15,000 at current $ values?

I think Y2K, effects real and imagined, will diminish the mania that bewitches the general public.

Say what you will, our economy is debt ridden. Bar the doors when people begin to loose jobs. Y2K preparations are a natural trend for anyone with enough sense to look around at the current environment.

Cut your debt. Live within your means. Understand what you owe, who you owe and what it will take to reduce your debt load. Can you survive living on say $8.00 an hour vs. your $current per annum? ww.

-- wayne (wwitcher@mvtel.net), August 10, 1999.

Hi Wayne! Nice to hear from you! Glad you're still around.

-- Gayla (privacy@please.com), August 11, 1999.

i think that no matter how bad the y2k impact on the US is it will hit the other countries harder. when this has happened historically there has ben a flight of cash to the US markets, maybe this is what yardeni is talking about.

-- unkle pennybags (bucks@wallstreet.com), August 11, 1999.

i think that no matter how bad the y2k impact on the US is it will hit the other countries harder. when this has happened historically there has ben a flight of cash to the US markets, maybe this is what yardeni is talking about. -- unkle pennybags

Pennybags, you are right, that is in the past. Not so for the present and future. Major investors are posturing for a drop in US currency value and the elimination of it as the world reserve currency. The flight to value and stability will be to the EURO now and in the future. It is happening as we speak.

-- OR (orwelliator@biosys.net), August 11, 1999.

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