Getting Started with Flashpix : LUSENET : FlashPix Format : One Thread

You mention "flashpix certified cameras" on this site. Could you give me a few more details? Who makes these kind of cameras, and will they actually mention flashpix on the camera manufacturer descriptions?

Alternatly, I have photoshop 3.0 and I can't find any mention of Flashpix. Must I upgrade, or is there a plug-in I can get? -Tha

-- Bob Stoffer (, August 10, 1999


Some Kodak digital cameras support FlashPix and you can see the FlashPix logo on the box.

LivePictures (now MGI) provides a PhotoShop FlashPix plug-in. I am not sure if it still supports it, though.


-- (, October 09, 1999.

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