1930s Hairstyles

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread

I am looking for a hair stylist in the D.C. area who knows how to do 1930s hairstyles (like fingerwaving). Do you know of anyone who fits the bill?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

- Alice.

-- alice weiss (weissal@pwba.com), August 10, 1999


I know 2 people in the area who are excellent at vintage hairstyling. Chris Santarlas: girlsinger@hotmail.com She gives private and group hair and make up styling lessons, in addition to styling herself. I asked her about doing hair for the Ball on Nov 6th and she was very enthusiastic. So, if you're interested, please contact her.

The second person I know is Xen (pronounced "Zen") Nicholadas at Rainbow Hair Salon in White Flint Mall. He always does a phenominal job with vintage hair styling. Call the Salon at 301-881-9225. I know for a fact that Xen can do fingerwaving.

-- Chrissy Hall Reis (hallreis@yahoo.com), October 19, 1999.

you should show pictures and instructions on how to get you hair to look like that.

-- Michalle Jane Roberts (mRoberts@aol.com), May 25, 2004.

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