Learn-In Website

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Learn-In Website

-- Critt Jarvis (critt@bellsouth.net), August 08, 1999


Here's the proposed top-level outline for the new website:

Just in Case: Preparing for Y2K A Global Learn-In

1. Why a Global Y2K Learn-In? 2. Where are we now? 3. How can we prepare? 4. Who can help? 5. Who needs our help? 6. What resources are available? 7. What happens after Jan. 1, 2000? 8. What are we learning? 9. How can we shape the future?

Material to be interwoven: * Y2K Heroes and Awards * Y2K: The Human Story

-- Michael Brownlee (michael@visibiliti.com), August 09, 1999.

The prototype structure and introductory content for the online Global Y2K Learn-In is now up for review at http://www.JustInCaseY2K.com/learnin1/. Your comments, feedback, and suggestions would be most appreciated.

The next step will be to begin soliciting content from identified experts, presenters, writers, etc.

-- Michael Brownlee (michael@visibiliti.com), August 10, 1999.

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