who wrote casey speaks out?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Casey Affleck : One Thread

I just want to know who wrote casey speaks out.I know it was NOT Casey Affleck but I thought they were really right so if you know then please inform me. THANX

-- jessi (I0chica00@aol.com), August 04, 1999


Who wrote "Casey at Bat"???

Tee Hee Hee

-- Jen (Harms21@hotmail.com), August 18, 1999.

who the hell cares who wrote casey at the bat????? Bitch u r fucked up and I hope u go stick casey at the bat straight up ure ass.

-- noel (ans galant@aol.com), December 01, 1999.

i know who wrote it. and you would be surprised if you knew!!!

-- frank williamson (williamsfrank@hotmail.com), February 04, 2000.

Then who was the real person that wrote that silly person? It wasn't casey...I doubt you would know...it must have been you!

-- Vicki Jensen (raintwink4@aol.com), April 07, 2000.

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