Grains, Mills, Sprouts - my experience : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

It can be confusing to find reputable, reliable, IN-STOCK suppliers for some of the stuff we are all looking for. I had a very good experience with as a source for whole, natural grains - wheat, oat groats (first time I had come across a source for these that ALSO explained what the deal is on storing them), soybeans (along w/a cookbook - free!), and corn.

The prices were so reasonable I didn't have to think about going to the local feed store and getting dusty animal grade grains and worry about cleaning them.

Website is great, and they have sprouts and some non-hybrid seeds available also.

On mills, I happened to be located in the same state, so the wonderful sales tax issue arose. Mr. Hansen (owner) graciously passed up a sale and referred me to an associate in a different state to buy the mill from instead!

Anyways, I was (and still am) happy with the experience.

Randy Wattermann West Point, Nebraska

-- Randy Wattermann (, August 03, 1999


I notice that you mention buying out of state to avoid sales tax. I think that most states have a "use tax" that you then owe your home state if you buy out of state and don't pay tax on the item. I mention this because a friend that is a tax preparer says that the IRS and state tax people are starting to check this more thoroughly. We always pay our "use Tax" each year on out-of-state mail order purchases, on our tax returns to avoid problems. Just wanted to mention this to spread awareness of this.

-- Jim (, August 04, 1999.

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