how long do chemicals last in the tray? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I use Ilford FB papers in Ilford chemicals. Once I mix them and pour them into the tray, how long do they last, covered?


-- jeremy illingworth (, August 02, 1999


Covered and unused I've had Ilford Multigrade last overnight, but it seemed to do less prints than normal in the morning--oxidization at working strength will occur even if covered, unless the 'cover' gets rid of the oxygen in the tray, and then I'm sure it will still take place to some degree, depending on the developer makeup.

-- shawn gibson (, August 03, 1999.

Over night for the developer is about right. Fixer will last much longer as it does not oxidize. However, leaving chemicals in trays is not recommended as a normal practice. Much better to put them up ASAP.

If you want a long lasting developer, try Ethol LPD. I mixed a batch full-strenght last August, a year ago, printed with it a month, put it in storage (unrefrigerated) from Sept until April of this years(seven months), pulled it out and printed with it for about 3 months before finally replacing it last month, July. This happened because I got a quick sale on my previous home and did not get into my new home until April of this year.

-- Gene Crumpler (, August 03, 1999.

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