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I continue to be concerned with the problem of fading of image transfers. I've been told by someone in the photo framing business that buffered papers may contribute to the problem. In conversation with someone at Daniel Smith (the art supply house in Seattle), I learned that they carry only one non-buffered paper-- Arches Platine which is a printmaking paper (not watercolor paper) often used for platinum printing. I'm going to try it. Question: Has anyone heard that buffered papers as well as matboard may contribute to the fading problem? Is there more info on fading in addition to the advice to have giclee prints made if one plans to sell? I sold quite a few prints before realizing the fading problem but now very hesitant even tho' I handed out a sheet saying 'hang these prints away from bright natural light'. All advice appreciated.
-- Margery Franklin (, August 02, 1999
I'm also very concerned about this issue Margery. I did a number of transfers about five years ago and also sold them before realizing they were unstable.I recently purchased the book by Kathleen Carr. It was helpful but it seems there isn't a definitive answer. Please post any information you gather.
-- Ileen Weber (, August 03, 1999.