Intergration : LUSENET : S-Mart Shopping Cart : One Thread

Hi all, Is it possible to intergate this system with WorldPay CC Payment system ??

This would require the sending of certain field date price etc to the billing server for CC payment. Cheers Norvin

-- Norvin whitney (, August 01, 1999


This might be the easiest if you start with the version of S-Mart at . They process credit cards online, and have customized the shopping system to interface with their server. If you start with their's, you might be able to more easily adapt it to the WorldPay CC Payment system. You can download the script for free from their server.

Todd Miller Atrios Systems Research

-- Todd Miller (, August 01, 1999.

Where on their server. I have searched for over 20 minutes, and including a search of their entire site using keywords, and can't seem to find the script there at all.

-- Gregory D. Swagler (, August 05, 1999.

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