Color cast in partially toned prints : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I scanned a b&w negative (as a greyscale ) using a Nikon Coolscan II scanner, opened it in Photoshop 4.1 (as a grey scale image). I then printed it as a greyscale image on an Epson Stylus Photo printer. In the printer driver settings, I selected 'PhotoEnhance'. The image printed fine without any color cast. I then partially toned this b&w image using Pshop. This was now an RGB image. When I then printed it (as a CMYK image), the b&w areas of the image had a blue cast. The toned areas were fine. Can anyone please tell me why I am getting a color cast in the b&w portions of the print, and what can I do to correct it?

-- Jane Richardson (, August 01, 1999


Jane, ALL images to an Epson printer need to be sent as RGB. The printer software converts it to CMYK unless you are using a postscript rip software package to convert it. Normally you will never print in greyscale mode to a color printer without radical changes in your printer controls. questions: computer software package os icc profiles you use

To answer your questions many other questions need answers.

I suggest: and go to the user forums. I have found this to be an invaluable aid and I spend many hours a week on the various forums.

Let me know if I may be of further help


-- fred deaton (, August 01, 1999.

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