pittsburgh blackout from stormgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
parts of the city of pittsburgh lost power after a violent wind/hail/rain storm, leaving 70,000 homes without power. many of the areas lost phone communication, some lost water. my inlaws have moved up with us for the past few days, good people, but it is plain to see what will happen to the cities if a significant power interuption occurs. even more drastic will be a midwinter outage, no ones pipes froze in july, this may not be so in jan. of next year, i am curious if some of these folks answer this wakeup call?
-- al (alco@pathway.net), July 31, 1999
Its AL-D minus the comma's!
-- OJ (OJSimpson@jailhouse.com), July 31, 1999.