NERC results : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Tim Castleman (, on July 30, 1999 (see post below)compiled current NERC data and offered to share it with us. He told me this morning only 6 requested the info. I think the results should be disturbing: Some, but not all of the finding are: Of 266 power facilities responding, 15 still have no written y2k readiness plan. 17 admit that their y2k plans do not take into consideration any breakdowns in supply chain for fuel, water, chemicals and supplies. Under contingency planning for backstart or restoration, 2 haven't started on a plan, 22 have started looking, 138 have a plan but only 85 have tested it. For safe shutdown of the plant, 2 haven't started, 21 are looking, 135 have a plan and 74 have tested it. As to y2k personnel staffing and training, 2 haven't started, 47 are looking for a plan, 167 have one but only 47 have had drills with it. 138 of them are not making these and other findings available to others in the industry, 122 are not making their nerc reports available to the public, 54 are not even making them available to state regulators. The majority are relying on vendor verification of compliance rather than actual testing as to scada, telecom and sub station controls. If you are concerned about power and the implications of its failure you may wish to get these reports in full from Tim and study them. I am sure the media will only report the portion that shows "They are working on it and will be 100% finished by 4Q 1999. Remember "December 1998 with a full year for testing"? Best of luck, Terry Furnell

-- Terry Furnell (, July 31, 1999


If you want a wake up call and have more than a five minute attention span, go through all the documents at the NERC ftp site. It is likely that you will be very unhappy when you are done with this reading. Do it soon before they realize the incredibly stupid mistake they made.

Sincerely, Stan Faryna

-- Stan Faryna (, July 31, 1999.

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