Parts For Elwood 5x7 Enlarger : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

yestreday I was fortunate to come across an Elwood 5x7 enlarger to print my 5x7 negs. It's in pretty goodshape but missing some parts. does any one have for sale or know where I can buy the following Elwood 5x7 negative carrier, 2.lens board for 5x7 Elwood, and I would like to replace the bellows.


-- Richard A. Johnson (, July 29, 1999


I have an old Elwood 5x7 in bad shape--I paid $75 for it--but it does have a film holder. I'd consider selling it, though I suspect the shipping would be expensive and I have no idea how I would pack it. There are at least three companies that sell bellows and advertise in Shutterbug.

-- Ed Buffaloe (, July 29, 1999.

I too have an old Elwood with the same problems...I had to buy an opal white piece of plastic for the diffusion plate and make a thick wooden film holder for 4x5. If your's is the same model, I would simply suggest making a 5x7 film holder with 2 pieces of wood with a 5x7 rectangle cut into it, and make a lens board. I put some black cloth over the film holder openings to keep light from escaping. Once working, ther're pretty good for a very inexpensive unit. That's what I had to do. I got mine from an antique dealer for $50.

-- Todd Frederick (, August 08, 1999.

I too have an old Elwood 5x7 enlarger - I was very lucky I found mine in excelent condition with many accessories and even had instruction booklet mine is the sp-25 it sold new for $118.00 - I use mine for 4x5 negs- the original negative carrier was heavy metal cast iron or aluminum with glass to sandwich the neg. in - I do a lot of copy and restoration and the prints have original quality it is also excellent for fine art you might have to run test with lens and development for your needs i have used many different enlargers over the last 20years or so but this is the only one I use now I LIKE IT! here are some links you might try

-- D WATTS (, September 02, 1999.

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