Feature length DV editing w / a Casablanca?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Editing DV Films : One Thread

I am a XL1 owner and am curious about something. Is it possible to sucessfully edit a full length feature ( 90 min.) on a turnkey system such as a Casablanca 040/ 9gig.? Also, does any one know anything about the Applied Magic Screen Play system; has any one heard any thing about there " wavelet" compression technology? And how does it differ from Mpeg? Are any "turn key" systems of this variety really viable solutions to DV editing for the prosumer who doesn't need alot of the FX, and is computer illiterate enouph to avoid pc based programs if possible. If anyone knows anything, please let me know. Thanks, Mike M

-- michael mehlman (tamali@worldnet.att.net), July 29, 1999


Wavelet drew my attention, too, but AppMagic ScrPlay not ready for primetime They just started shipping in June to Europe sans DV i/o Sound not carried on firewire as of this writing. How do I know? I went to corp HQ in Carlsbad CA and asked. Found out enough to not chase more technical explanation let alone buy.

Common wisdom is Casablanca needs min PPC 060 and all the HD you can afford for the sake program length and clip space, the cost of which can buy a whole lotta PC NLE but I will have to buy turnkey.

-- morlock (morlock@end-war.com), November 05, 1999.

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