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greenspun.com : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread

I would like to remind you about two useful features of this discussion forum:
- you can subscribe to it in a mailing form by adding an e-mail alert
- it is possible to post images here (exactly speaking: a link to image on yours or somebody else website) using a standard html code
<img src="http://address.of.my.picture">
We can use this feature to illustrate technical questions or just for image critique. You still need to keep your image somewhere. If there is enough interest I can try to create some limited upload area on my site for people who don't have their own websites. Here is an example of an image from my website:

You are welcome to visit Polaroid transfer and manipulation resources pages as well as to submit your artwork to the Guest Gallery.

-- Marek Uliasz (uliasz@frii.com), July 27, 1999

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