Kodak Polymax Fine Art shelf life

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I have had good success with Kodak Polymax Fine Art (DW Fiber) - so much so that I bought a box of 250 sheets (even though I am quite sporadic in the amount of time available for darkroom work). Now I hear that the paper has a short shelf life. Two questions - 1. how long does it last in a paper safe at 68 degrees? and 2. can its demise be prevented by putting it in the freezer?

-- Jeff Thompson (pacthompson@juno.com), July 26, 1999


I've had this same paper (11x14 and 8x10) in my darkroom for over a year in the box it came in unwrapped and it still produces exceptional prints with no fogging whatsoever. Nice paper. James

-- james (james_mickelson@hotmail.com), July 30, 1999.

My experience was just the opposite. I found that it aged quickly, (i.e. in a few months). Oopened or otherwise. Had friends who had similar experience.

-- Jim Steele (jdsteele@hotmail.com), July 31, 1999.

Just used the last of the 11x14 I got last year. Stored in opened box under enlarger. Just as beautiful as before. Bright whites and superb blacks. Great paper. Just keep it cool. James

-- james (james_mickelson@hotmail.com), August 21, 1999.

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