Convert VCD to CDV? Possible to play on old players : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I was just wondering if it's possible to convert a VCD to a CDV format that the older Pioneer laserdisc players can play? Any tips or advice would be very much appreciated. Many thanks to anyone who responds.

-- (, July 25, 1999


No, CDV is in a proprietary format that cannot be burnt from a cd burner. Much like DVD.

-- (, July 25, 1999.

well, i heard about this before and yes, it is possible.

First you use vcd2mpeg converter, after you have an mpg or a m1v file, use a special compression, called: jpeg1 I dont know any programs that does it. burn the jpeg1 on cd

bye bye briguy-age 13, senoir year

-- briguy (, December 07, 2000.


-- Girish Thakar (, December 29, 2001.

Yes it is possible with a small modification.What you have to do is install a mpeg converter in to your Pioner LD.Installation is straight forwerd.Connect power(5v)and rf (clearly marked on the p.c.b.)to the converter. regards, lal

-- premalal bamunuge (, February 11, 2003.

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