New Prep Site : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread

"Scat," who used to post on the old forum, has a great web site on prep. It's aimed at the single, older woman, but there's lots of practical advice for everyone. The presentation is matter-of-fact with some dry humor--no cutesy stuff here!

Scat's prep forum

This is my first try at hot links so I hope I blue it. (Pun int.)

-- Old Git (, July 21, 1999


Hi there. Link would not work for me. Can you give me the URL? Thanks!

-- Margaret (, July 21, 1999.

Thanks, Git!

I'm hot-link disadvantaged on Webtv, but here's the URL:

-- Scat (, July 21, 1999.


Old Git, don't put a space before and after your = sign. :-)

-- Gayla (, July 21, 1999.

Old Git, just one more thing...

You added a "www" to the front of the address and a ".com" at the end. In this case, they weren't applicable. Other than that, you did GOOD! Keep trying!! :-)

-- Gayla (, July 21, 1999.

Thanks Gayla! Things have changed since I was programming in dBaseII! (Especially in my brain.) You'd think I'd have all this stuff down pat with a spouse in the business, but it's kinda like the cobbler's wife having holes in her shoes. . . Have you been to Sharon's site? Some good ideas there and I like the way she writes.

-- Old Git (, July 22, 1999.

Old Git and Scat: I can't get to this URL either of your ways. This sounds like just the forum I'm looking for...can anyone help me to get there? Thanks in advance!

-- Elaine Seavey (, July 22, 1999.

Just tested Gayla's hotlink and it works for me. If it doesn't for you, why not e-mail Scat at her address above?

-- Old Git (, July 22, 1999.


I just got on & noticed your problem so I emailed you the site. Nobody ever called me shy.


-- Scat (, July 22, 1999.

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