HELP!! How Do You Work VCDgear?? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I know, I'm probably the only idiot out there that can't run VCDgear, but I am totally DOS illiterate. I downloaded VCDgear from and was planning on converting .dat files to .mpg, but couldn't figure out what to type where. I hope SOMEONE knows what they are doing and can help me out. Thanks!
-- Tony (, July 19, 1999
you have to use it from a dos prompt, so make sure you are in the directory where vcdgear is located, then type this:vcdgear -dat2mpg -fix c:\??????.dat c:\?????.mpg
the c:????.dat is the location of the dat file you want to convert, the c:????.mpg is the location where you want the mpeg to go to.
the -fix switch will fix frames for you
-- Nelson (, July 22, 1999.
In the extraction/conversion menu box choose dat-> mpeg. Then click on the load button, and load the .dat file. Then press the START button. Where ever you file was in the mpeg file will now be next to it.
-- Juan (, August 13, 2001.