Problem Creating VCD With Easy CD Deluxe From Dazzle : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I bought the Easy CD Creator Deluxe software to make VCDs. EZ-CD gives me a error message of a invalid format. I use the Dazzle DVC to capture the files (Using the "Video CD" capture type) I don't know why EZ-CD gives me that message. Sometimes it does work, but before I can add any more files, the system locks up. (I have a 550Mz P3) Thanks for any answers!
-- Charlie Link (, July 18, 1999
Make sure you've got the latest patch of the Adaptec website ( You should be using 3.5'C'. The program basically didn't work properly prior to this.
-- Chris Hambleton (, July 19, 1999.
Interesting, I can't get any version of Easy CD Creator 3.5 to work creating VCDs (including 3.5c). Have to use version 3.0.Kevin
-- Kevin (, July 19, 1999.
Yeah, when I first installed the rev C patch, my machine locked up when I selected an mpeg file. I now have a different PC and it works!? As an alternative, I've heard CeQuadrat's Win-On-CD works well as a VCD creator.
-- Chris Hambleton (, July 20, 1999.
Just for info. The machine I had on which EasyCD3.5C did not work was a Celeron 300A based machine with a Chaintech motherboard, 128MB RAM etc. The machine I now use is an AMD K6-III 450, TMC Motherboard...and it works. Very odd indeed.
-- Chris Hambleton (, July 20, 1999.
I have a USB version of DAZZLE and NTI CD Maker Pro. The first time, the NTI would not accept the mpeg file created using Video CD format. After re-installing the Dazzle software I was able to burn VCD using NTI software but the disk won't play on a Magnavox DVD825 ( capable playing CD-R and CD-RW VCD). I heard that WinonCD is the best for buring VCD. HAs anyone out there use Dazzle and WinonCD ?.Thanks
-- Kiam Oey (, August 11, 1999.