purple printsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
Some prints I did a year or two ago have turned slightly pink/purple. I suspect my fixer was near exhaustion. Is there another likely explanation? Thanks.
-- Greg (wca@idt.net), July 13, 1999
Fixer is the only likely culprit.
-- Ed Buffaloe (edbuffaloe@earthlink.net), July 14, 1999.
From what I've heard, you can simply re-fix your prints. However, last week, I used someone's old fixer (a gift for taking over their darkroom...and leaving them with no mess to clean!), and my contact prints came out all pink. I tried to re-fix 2 days later in fresh fixer, but all it did was take away SOME of the pink. In short I had to make new contact prints.
-- shawn gibson (shawn.gibson@utoronto.ca), July 14, 1999.
Go to two bath fixing and you'll avoid this kind of problem. Your fixer will last much longer too.
-- Tim Brown (brownt@ase.com), July 19, 1999.