Beseler 45 M : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Hi! I live in Canada and I want to find a part for my enlarger which is the condenser housing with filter drawer. Presently no more company services Beseler enlargers in Quibec and I'm desperate to find that part. I need it badly cause I use a printing method which requires changing from contrast filter #5 to filter #0.

Help would be appreciated.

Thanks Claude

-- Claude trudel (, July 13, 1999


Claude, check Beseler's website at You can send them an email from there and ask about parts availability. I have worked with them before, and they seem to have many parts available. I have a 45MX. Another solution, which I use, is to get a filter holder that screws into the threads of your enlarger lens, and put the VC filter in that. Many people are reluctant to put a filter in the optical path, but the best experts seem to believe it really doesn't matter if the filter is undamaged, clean, and very close to the lens.

-- John Sarsgard (, July 16, 1999.

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