American Pie cameo : LUSENET : Casey Affleck : One Thread

Well, I hate to say it Casey fans, but CA's appearance in what I thought was amn overall great movie was static and dull. His role as the "big brother" brought nothing to the film, he delivered his lines with labored breath, and he was playing the cooler oldere brother thing wrong, way wrong. I hate to say it, but he sucked! Is it possible we were wrong about Casey? Could it be that his brother is the better actor? Though my new friend counts Armageddon as her favorite film, i really cannot see an overactor like Ben being thought as having more talent than Casey. Casey, try a little harder next time!!

-- frank williamson (, July 12, 1999


I disagree. I think that Casey did a really good job. I mean, it was a really small part but it was funny enough. I really liked the movie as a whole. Casey looked good, too... I like it when he looks preppy.

-- Liz (, July 13, 1999.

American Pie was an awesome movie, and its not like casey had an enourmous part in the movie, it was just a cameo, but i think he was still great. Oh, yeah Armageddon is also one of my favorite movies, and Ben was great in that movie, as he is in almost all of his movies, and he is a great actor, I don't know what your talking about. But whatever, everyone has their own opinion.

-- sonia (, July 13, 1999.

I didn't think American Pie was Casey's best performance. I think he overacted in the part. He seemed to be trying too hard. But acting is really difficult. He was great in Good Will Hunting and 200 Cigarettes. I didn't like Armageddon. I thought it was so hokey and stupid. It was manipulative. I didn't like Forces of Nature either. It was boring. I really loved Chasing Amy and Mall Rats. Ben was great in those.

-- Shea Robbins (, October 11, 1999.

Of course Casey Affleck's cameo wasn't that developed or memorable. It's a cameo. He isn't the star of the movie. I thought they should have given him a credit. I thought he was great in Good Will Hunting and I would like to see him with more of a substantial role. Ben is good too. I liked Armageddon even though I didn't want to. I think both actors are talented they just need more of a break through character with a wonderfully written script. Maybe Ben could write it and they could both star.

-- Diana Medina (, January 30, 2000.

of course casey's part in american pie wasn't amazing, but you noticed him didn't you. therefore, it couldn't have been that bad, eh. his characters purpose was to tell his brother about that sex book, which leads up to other movie moments that are sigificant. and why is everyone commenting on all the movies ben was in, if you want to do that, start ben his own website where people can discuss his movies.

-- cathy (, March 15, 2000.

Ok....HOW can ANY of you say that Casey Affleck is better that Ben. He is the BEST actor on the planet...way better thsn Casey. I only came here cos I watched American Pie last nite and thought I recognised him. Casey only had the dodgy Morgan part in GWH, and was almost a stalker in 200 cigarettes. NO comparison there! Ben has been an astronaut and saved the world, played an angel in Dogma and won an oscar!! HOW can you compare?? Non comprende. Oh and visit my site at while ure at it!

-- Amy (, July 01, 2000.

um, those aren't the only movies he's been in. and personally, i think ben's roles have been pretty cliched. he's all right. but casey is awesome and i like many of the roles he's played. ben also has had roles like that because he's had more opportunity, since he and matt damon won the oscar.

-- Susi-Q (, July 01, 2000.

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