Paging IthinkIcan! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Preparation Forum : One Thread |
Paging IthinkIcan: I saw that(on another thread) you bought grains at a health food store...If I remember right, you are located in the Okla City area..right? Please let me know the name of the store you were referring to - I'm in Lawton, and on occasion get up to OKC. It's about a two hour drive. Thanks!
-- jeanneq (, July 08, 1999
Since I am in OKC, I would like this information as well. TIA
-- (cannot-say@this.time), July 08, 1999.
JeanneNext time you're in OKC, will you let me know? Maybe cannot-say and I can meet you for lunch? I live S of OKC. Linda
-- newbiebutnodummy (, July 08, 1999.
Hi Linda! Will do! I'm usually in OKC once every 6-8 weeks for something or another. I have bought grain from a lady there that gets bulk supplies from Wheat Montana - but the only sprouting grains they have is alfalfa(have 12 LBS!)
-- jeanne (, July 08, 1999.