Feedback on prototype : LUSENET : SAFECITIES : One Thread

Let me begin my saying that I am not a frequent user of web-based training.So,here are my general comments.

1. I thought the screens were colorful and attractive and that helped to keep me engaged. It was very user-friendly.

2. I was really excited about seeing the questions that other users had posted.I wonder if this is one of the ways that you plan to keep/encourage people to return to the web site. If so, I think the site will require a high degree of maintenance to keep things going and to keep it interesting. I think the e-mail notification is an excellent idea.

3. I know that there are different kinds of web-based training. I think the objectives of the project should drive the type of "training" you select. I think with this project you are trying to share information and encourage group sharing of information and problem solving. The format you have chosen appears to meet those needs.

-- joy richardson (, July 07, 1999

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