Kodak ektalure paper

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

has anyone heard this is going to be discontinued? also, is there a paper similar that someone can recommend? thanks

-- Linda Robers (msfoto@aol.com), July 03, 1999


Ektalure is still listed on Kodak's site, but it would not surprise me if they discontinued it, as there is little demand for it and I haven't seen it in a camera store in over 20 years. It is a warm tone paper with a creamy base. I would assume that substitutes for it would include Agfa Portriga, Forte Polywarmtone, and Ilford Multigrade Warm. You should also check out Luminos Classic Warm in both the pearl and glossy finishes--they are unique papers.

-- Ed Buffaloe (edbuffaloe@earthlink.net), July 06, 1999.

I for one hope that Kodak does not discontinue Ektalure. Ektalure is a very unique paper, and frankly, I haven't found another paper like it. I use it in all of my work when I want to create a print that incorporates the warm tone, cream base look of Ektalure. Sure, there are other papers available that are also warm tone, and provide a cream base. But Ektalure is a paper unlike any other. Moreover, it has a weight and sturdiness to it that puts into a category all to itself. I'd like to know where the rumor came from, and if in fact it's the real deal...

-- Thomas L. Schumacher (tlschuma@oro-tech.nett), July 06, 1999.

According to the Kodak Professional Reference Dataguide, Ektalure is scheduled to be discontinued by the end of '99, if I've interpreted their chart correctly, along with Elite Fine Art and Kodabromide.

-- Peter Korsborn (korsborn@gte.net), July 14, 1999.

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