supplies stores : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

We want to begin our own processing and printing "lab", with some friends, as perfect beginners.We can find supplies here in the Philippines, but I would like to be able to compare prices for all the chemicals, paper, etc. with the USA as I will go there in a month and might bring some things back. Do you know any photo suppliers on the internet? or who has e-mail adress? Thanks for your help.

-- Sophie Rothrock (, June 29, 1999


You can start with

This is the website of a catalog of photo suppliers. Then just start doing searches on cameras, film, etc with the normal search engines.

BTW you may run into trouble trying to take back some photo chemicals. Some are NOT suitable for air transport and can cause you trouble, either on the airplane or for illegally transporting them.

-- Terry Carraway (, June 29, 1999. &

Also B&H Photo and Adorama have websites but I can't recall the address

-- Sean yates (, June 29, 1999.

B&H's web site is below. Normally a great company to work with, though I have recently heard of some shipping problems. Might have been the size of the moon in relation to sun spots, though. Personally never had a problem.

-- David (, June 30, 1999.

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