ANNOUNCE: : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I'm going to break with my self-imposed rule against promotional posts to let you know about PhotoHighway.Com, which went on line at 9PM eastern time (US) on June 23.

Photohighway is an independent web site devoted to all aspects of photography, especially as it relates to digital imaging. Why digital? Because we are rapidly reaching a point when the typical consumer will be able to purchase a digital camera that can produce images that look exactly like film images--with the same resolution--at sizes up to 5x7, for the same price as a film camera. There is a lot of unfamiliar new technology, new products and new techniques that can be daunting, even to long-time film photographers, and one of the goals for the site is to educate consumers at all levels.

Other features include: on-line communities; exhibitions (currently there are two exhibitors who originally were in B&W World's Top Ten List!); free on-line gallery space, and a ton of shopping guides, web site reviews, news, product reviews, features, much more.

I'm personally excited to have been invited to be part of as both a contributing writer and as the manager of PhotoHighway's communities area. In fact, I've set up a black & white bulletin board which I invite everyone to join. I won't be offended if you don't post much here for a little while, so we can get something going over there.

Go to, then click on the Communities link to get the ball rolling. Also...check out David Micheal Kennedy and Rodney Barnett's portfolios at the site!

Many thanks...back to our regularly scheduled programming!

-- Mason Resnick (, June 24, 1999


A "typical consumer will be able to purchase a digital camera that can produce images that look exactly like film images--with the same resolution--at sizes up to 5x7, for the same price as a film camera"?

We may be rapidly approaching the day, but we are still pretty far out from it. Give me film.

-- Chad Jarvis (, July 02, 1999.

Chad, as far as quality is concerned, it's already there. Have you looked at prints from 2.5 megapixel cameras at 5x7? Now it's just a matter of waiting for the prices to drop.

BTW, I used the term "typical consumer" as a way of differentiating from photo enthusiasts & pros, who would see the subtle differences in prints from pixel based vs. film based images. If you show a megapixel digital image side by side with an image made with, say, an APS camera, most consumers would not appreciate the difference.

I'd hardly use "typical consumer" to describe the people who read this forum!

>Give me film.

Don't worry, film ain't going nowhere. Besides, film never crashes. :-)

-- Mason Resnick (, July 02, 1999.

Now I'm really confused.

Do we have a situation of B&W World ceasing to exist or do we have a situation where B&W World will continue to exist, but without M. Resnick?


-- Paul Arnold

-- Paul Arnold (, July 03, 1999.

Black & White World definitely continues to exist, and I'm still in charge.

Mason Resnick

-- Mason Resnick (, July 03, 1999.

To expand on the above...

B&W World continues to be my labor of love...but I have to make a living. Unless B&W World becomes a reader-sponsored site with money contributions from all of you which would allow me to devote all my time to it, you'll just have to settle for the fact that I need to work for Photohighway, PDN Online, American Photo, The Camera Club and Photo Industry Reporter in order to keep my 2 daughters and lovely, overworked wife living in the manner to which they're (and I'm) accustomed.

Please don't confuse my heart-felt enthusiasm for Photohighway--or any other projects I'm involed with--with a lessening of my committment to B&W World.

-- Mason Resnick (, July 03, 1999.

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