What type of camera is best suit for image transfer??greenspun.com : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread |
I am planing to do some image transfer without using my Vivitar slide printer. What type of camera is best suit for Polaroid image transfer?? Land 100 series?? Swinger?? Or... Anyone got comments?Thanks.
-- Richie Cunningham (r.cunningham@apexmail.com), June 21, 1999
Hi, Could you get an answer to your question. If yes please let me know so that I can also start making image transfers.. which type of camera did you buy for that. Thanks, Canalp
-- Canalp Caner (cancan7@yahoo.com), August 13, 2002.
kiz ben sana demiyomuyum fotoraf motoraf cekilmicek diye baban gelicek yemek yicez cabuk kalk o bilgisayarin basindan yolcam seni.
-- sip sak fotocu (sipsak@hotmail.com), February 09, 2003.