C2000Z & 35mm "T-ring" mountgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
I would like to attach my Olympus C2000Z to my Telescope. I currently use a conventional 35mm SLR camera with a T-ring that converts the mount on the camera body to a standard "T-Thread" that can accept a T-adapter or universal adapter for eyepiece-projection photography. My question is; does someone make a lens adapter that would allow me to attach my C2000Z to the T-ring? I don't know the specs for the threads of the T-ring but I would assume they are standard 35mm type. I probably haven't made myself very clear but I would appreciate any replys.
-- Doug Johnson (djohn34@earthlink.net), June 19, 1999
Usually when you use a T-Adapter for a camera body in astrophotography you are mounting the camera body without a lens attached and using the optics of the scope as your lens. This doesn't make sense with the C 2000z which has a built-in non-removable zoom lens. It seems that you could still do eyepiece-projection photography with the camera by building a mount that takes the parallel rays from an eyepiece and runs them into the C 2000 lens set at infinity and max aperture. There's a system for mounting the Nikon 950 shown at http:// home.hiwaay.net/~drcannon/cp950/c8_950bracket2.htm I am planning something similar for my C 2000z and hope to have it ready for an outing at Mt. Pinos, CA next month. Piggyback photog on your telescope is another possibility. Good luck!
-- Ken Mock (mock@wsu.edu), July 13, 1999.