where are the water pumpsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
is ther anyone out there that knows where i can purchase a water pump for a well 75' to a 100' deep.If so thank you and if you know the price. will need water
-- water (water@net.com), June 18, 1999
Talk to any well-drilling company and they should be able to set you up. My deep well pump cost $800 plus installation. Also, www.watertanks.com has one you can put in yourself. Will cost you less. Good luck and God bless.
-- Rick (Rick@aol.com), June 18, 1999.
Call 954/749-4648Order "The Stalwart"
Cost: $499.95
You'll also need pipe. They can tell you more about that on the phone.
They also have a website but I don't have a link. Try doing a web search for The Stalwart Emergency Hand Pump.
-- Walt (longyear@shentel.net), June 18, 1999.
One other thing...Once you have your pump installed, I recommend that you get some sort of water purification system. Your well isn't that deep and besides, all well can get contaminated. The one I bought is called a Big Berky and I think it's great. You can see it at this web site:
Big Berkey filter provides:
1. Absolute filtration efficiency to 0.5 microns. 2. For particles from 0.2 to 0.5 microns, filtration efficiency is greater than 98%. 3. Reduces turbidity (cloudiness) by an efficiency greater than 99.7%. 4. Independently tested to remove the following parasites and pathogenic bacteria:
E. Coli >99.99%
Klebsiella >99.99%
Cholera >99.99%
Shigella >99.99%
Salmonella >99.99%
Guinea Worm 100%
Giardia Lambia 100%
Cryptosporidium 100%
-- Walt (longyear@shentel.net), June 18, 1999.
See my reply with links on the other thread "need a water pump 75' to 100'"
-- marsh (armstrng@sisqtel.net), June 19, 1999.