where can i get a water pump 75' to 100'greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
is ther anyone out there that knows where i can purchase a water pump for a well 75' to a 100' deep.If so thank you and if you know the price. will need water
-- water (water@net.com), June 18, 1999
-- Bingo1 (howe9@pop.shentel.net), June 18, 1999.
thank you bingo which one would i need? I don't have a clue
-- water (water@net.com), June 18, 1999.
webmaster please remove the top 2 threads i'm new at this and posted 3 by mistake
-- water (water@net.com), June 18, 1999.
I'm not the one to ask for advice on your situation. Since you're able to post on this forum, I have deduced you can go to a search engine & go to work researching this subject so critical to your survival.Here's a link to a web site with general well information:
Wayne County Combined General Health District
Also see:
These good folks will consult with you, assess your needs & put together a package which will accomplish your goals.
Best Wishes,
-- Bingo1 (howe9@pop.shentel.net), June 18, 1999.
Bowjon has a compressed air water pump, very efficient and inexpensive (relatively).Go to you local water pump dealer. They have access to _all of the hand pumps, pitcher pumps, windmill air compressor water pumps, and the old fashioned water wind mills.
There are pitcher pumps available now which can be used to pressurize your system up to 60 pounds. Depending on what you get and if you install it yourself you will be looking at somewhere between $400- $2000.
-- Mitchell Barnes (spanda@inreach.com), June 18, 1999.
The depth of your well doesn't matter. The critical thing is the distance to the water level. Our well is 100' deep but the water level is less than 20'from the surface. You can use the simplest (and cheapest) kind of hand pump if the water level is less than 22' from the surface.
-- Lumber Jack (johnsellis@webtv.net), June 18, 1999.