Emulsion Lift-off

greenspun.com : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread

I've been doing image transfers for a couple of years and it's been sort of a hit & miss process. Recently, after reading Kathleen Carr's book, I revised my technique somewhat per her instructions. The first two I did were great, then chaos! Really bad emulsion lift-off! I had the temp. controlled; I was doing just what she said -- even tried peeling the negative off under water. No luck. Out of 20 tries, I got 6 transfers -- not a good percentage. Any help would be greatly appreciated! FYI I used Arches HP140 and 669 film.

-- Maggie Day (mday@silcom.com), June 15, 1999


Try Fabriano Artistico 140 hot press paper. I know many people use Arches but I've always had trouble with it. Also, try working with images that don't have much black or other dark colors -- these are most subject to lift off. Margery

-- Margery B. Franklin (mbfranklin@earthlink.net), June 20, 1999.

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