fyi:Latin America Bracing For Y2K Problems : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Latin America Bracing For Y2K Problems

-- EA (, June 15, 1999


Thanks for info. I would expect them to have problems. Apparently not everyone gets it tho...kind of like here. We had a gentleman from there contact us this last weekend ...He wasn't the least bit concerned abt it......

-- Moore Dinty moore (, June 15, 1999.

(snip) VENEZUELA Venezuela has been singled out as one of the least prepared countries in the region, perhaps because officials there are being very frank about the huge difficulties facing them. Gustavo Mendez, the head of Venezuela's Central Office of Statistics and Information, the government body heading the Year 2000 conversion project, said Venezuela was one of the worst-prepared countries in the world. Presidential Chief of Staff Alfredo Pena said Venezuela was seriously behind and needed $1.5 billion for nationwide preparations. He said the electricity sector was the most vulnerable. Earlier this month an industry executive said Venezuela's electrical network had spent only half the roughly $100 million needed to make conversions, and that ``the majority of companies in general are still completing the diagnostic stage,'' which would put them way behind in the time-costly testing stage. But Venezuela's oil industry, the third biggest exporter in the world, said it is on track to complete preparations by the end of this month, according to the state oil company petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), having spent $400 million so far. (snip) Lets see...they face hugh problems....the electrical company is the most vulnerable....they need 1.5 billion dollars.....``the majority of companies in general are still completing the diagnostic stage,'' This sounds just like a country that can still support their oil industry and then send oil to us. At least THEY sound realistic.

-- smfdoc (, June 15, 1999.

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