AG1 vs. AG1B for : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread |
I am curious as to whether the AG1B bulb can be used in place of the AG1 on my Minox. They seem to have different light output. Any advice would be greatly appreciated for this rookie. Thanks in advance.
-- Lenny Taylor (, June 10, 1999
AG!B is the blue version of AG1 (clear) flash bulb.The guide number for AG1B is about 80 feet*fstop at shutter sync of 1/30 sec with EI 100 film. To use AG1B on Minox LX\TLX set shutter dial to flash sync mark, the shutter will close automatically when enought light reaches the film.
-- martin tai (, June 11, 1999.
The Blue bulbs are made for color exposures. The clear bulbs give a yellow cast to color film. If you have ever seen the difference between a blue photo light and regular tungsten light you know what I mean. For more info look at the following urls. and_Cubes/
The second one will give you the flash guide number, if you would like to know how to use these numbers check out this site
Hope it helps!
-- George Maltezos (, June 13, 1999.
I think the question about the difference between AG1 and AG1B has been addressed. If you are looking for AG1B flash bulbs contact me. I also have some AG3B Hi Power Flash Bulbs if you are looking for higher output.
-- Sal Riccobono (, April 01, 2001.