affleck brothers at a playboy party? : LUSENET : Casey Affleck : One Thread

I was just wondering if anyone knew about a story concerning my favorite acting brothers and a Playboy magazine party somewhere in NYC? I heard, and i really don't know if its true, that casey and ben had a little tiff over who would dance with Heather Kozar (who i think was playmate of the year). the best part of the story is that she chose casey!!! its good to know that a shorter, less buff guy can sometimes beat out a taller, more popular sibling!! go casey!!

-- frank williamson (, June 10, 1999


I think that you are right, and I hope that the story is true. I think that these people give Ben so much more credit than Casey, a lot more than he deserves!!! Casey is a big hit everywhere, and the working stiff like me, and you Frank, can appreciate this.

If I were a dancing bunny, I'd choose his lap too.


-- Ngono Oshinyabe (, June 10, 1999.

both brothers are as hot as each other

-- kez (brianellis@brianellisco., January 17, 2000.

its really surprising she would do that ben hotter not that casey isnt but ben s such a babe!!!

-- rhea mehta (, November 14, 2000.

They're both sexy- I can imagine how hard it'd be to choose between them!

-- Tam S. (, March 07, 2001.

I heard almost the same story. Casey gets so little credit, to me, Ben's cool, but i love Casey adn that's all there is to it. (i swalloed a bug)

-- Seskii Kim (, July 15, 2001.

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