PENNYLOAFER TALK!! : LUSENET : William McNamara Bulletin Board : One Thread

OK Your correct WHO CARES!!! The fact is that any answer will not change A TRUE FAN. Why dosent the world look for TALENT, ART, and A CAUSE! I find William McNaMARA, involved in all the above. If we were children looking for a sexual answer to a child crush on CHARLIE BROWN, well that might be something to be concerned about! I feel that the effort in helping an abused animal and giving a fan a GREAT PERFORMANCE,as well as HANGING T O U G H! like Mr, McNaMARA does is far greater than A JERK like the socalled REV JERRY F O U L WELL who has attacked the sexuality of a T TUBBIE something to worrie about! If I were worried about the answer to the above question and answer to a great human, like BILLY then I have wasted time in the fight against an idiot like All the sick preachers in our world! Let's talk about cool BILLY STUFF!! The Greatest FAN! GREG McGEE TEXAS!

-- GREG McGEE (, June 07, 1999

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