Could Software add MLU to : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread |
I purchased an F-100 and now I find I am going back to my Pentax PZ-1p fairly often for landscape shots because the F-100 does not have MLU. Is it feasable that Nikon could "fix" the F-100 (adding MLU) with a software upgrade they could send (or sell) to all F-100 owners? I think leaving it off was a serious oversight on their part,
-- Glenn (, June 02, 1999
Although I dont know, I would tend to think no. I dont think it was a serious oversight-this, 3d color matix metering, the removable prism, and a little faster FPS. Add one or more of these in, and the 600 dollar price difference would make a lot more people but the f100 than are currently (instead of the f5). Just a thought. I would have liked to have seen it also, but marketing rules, and I appreciate the lower price when I buy it.
-- Neal Vaughan (, June 02, 1999.
The easiest solution to this (for me anyway) is to get a FM/FE since it has mirror prefire when the self timer is used. The time delay isn't really a factor for landscape work and you get a body that you can always keep slow, fine grained film in. BTW, I got a FE2 and it does not have a high eye point finder; it's very similar to a MX, but better focus snap. The FE2 makes a good second body anyway. It can even use the latest and greatest Nikon flashes in TTL mode, unlike Pentax with their analog/digital interface change.
-- Bruce Rubenstein (, June 02, 1999.