Digital Processing : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have some great photos I would like to have processed by a professional. I have downloaded the images on to my hard drive, what is the next step. I heard you email the pics to a store and they process them. Can anyone help?

-- Craig Russell (, June 02, 1999


When you say "professional", I supposed you meant developed by a conventional method. I know that Kodak does develop digital picture. You can check their website.

My local Walgreen Drug Store in California has a computer that is hooked up to some fancy printer that produces photo quality print out. The equipment is provided by Kodak; therefore, you don't have to worry about the quality. However, it cost $7 for one sheet of 8 by 11".

Hope this helps.

-- Derrick Pang (, June 04, 1999.

Your question is not entirely clear. It seems like you have digital pictures via internet, camera or scanning and that you would like to get prints onto paper. Wihout your own printer you will need to use a service. Since file sizes can be really large for the printing service, e-mail is probably not a good, regular option. BTW, commercial services may be unwilling to reprint other peoples work without verifying copyright status. You may want to check with both local photo shops and places like Kinko's or Office Depot, etc that have printing services/connections. They can advise what media and formats they than can accept and output.

-- Craig Gillette (, June 05, 1999.

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