OT? Water Restrictions during Winter

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I'm here living on the West Coast of Australia, Winter is now starting for us.

For the last few years we have had Water Restrictions during summer, but for the first time the announcement was made in our papers and on TV that we will be having Water Restrictions this Winter!!!

So if our water supplies don't fill up enough over Winter, we will have severe restrictions through summer. 1st of January is about the beginning of the hottest part of summer where we can get temperatures around 40 to 45 degrees celsius.

100 Fahrenheit is around 38-39 Celsius.

Regards, Simon Richards

-- Simon Richards (simon@wair.com.au), June 01, 1999


That does not sound good. You better start storing water now while you can. Good Luck!

-- FLAME AWAY (BLehman202@aol.com), June 01, 1999.

Hey Simon, What do water restrictions mean down under? Here in Kentucky,USA, during a water "restriction" in the summer, we're not supposed to water our lawn, wash cars, etc...I just want to know what you can or can't normally do under these restrictions during the winter? Please respond. I'm curious!

-- Johnny (jljtm@bellsouth.com), June 01, 1999.

I saw this demonstated on television by a guy camping in southern Cal. You dig a hole approx 4 ft (1 1/2 meters) deep by approx. 6 ft.(2 meters) diameter. You then place a material such as plastic, draped loosely down into hole without touching earth. The difference in temperature between the ground and air causes condensation to form on sheeting and roll down to the pre- existing hole in bottom and into container. Might come in handy.

-- KoFE (your@town.USA), June 01, 1999.

Simon Richards: An "Off Topic Question". How difficult is it to become a citizen of Australia?

-- Feller (feller@wanna.help), June 01, 1999.

Feller : Check out, Australia+tourism on the web then go to visas. They have a one year working visa, where you can work for 6 months out of your year of checking thing out. ...Good Luck..

-- Capt Dennis (souza@ptialaska.net), June 01, 1999.

Johnny asked:

What do water restrictions mean down under? Here in Kentucky,USA, during a water "restriction" in the summer, we're not supposed to water our lawn, wash cars, etc...I just want to know what you can or can't normally do under these restrictions during the winter?

Yeah we can't water our lawns during the day, it must be before 8am in the morning and after 8pm at night or some such. We have a bore at our house so we don't use scheme water on our lawn. There are other restrictions which I can't remember at the moment as most of the restrictions have never directly affected me.

They are saying for the Winter restrictions that there will be absolutely no watering of lawns. We will know more in the next few days.

Feller asked:

How difficult is it to become a citizen of Australia?

I honestly have no idea because I was born here. :-)

Regards, Simon Richards

-- Simon Richards (simon@wair.com.au), June 02, 1999.

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