Are you ever Jealous?? : LUSENET : Casey Affleck : One Thread

Casey, Just wondering do ya ever get a little jealous of your big'ol brother Ben??

-- Jenni (, June 01, 1999


jenni, just imagine that you had an older sibling...who was a litle older, 2 years, maybe 3, and she was prettier than you. Prettier than you and also, she was better at her job than you. Prettier, better, and she was dating and fucking the hottest hollywood actor. And she got paid more. And she was taller, in better physical shape, had bigger boobs, and a firmer ass, and she could kick your ass if she wanted to. You guys are still great friends, but she is all around better in every way...and you all around aren't.

would you be jealous???

Was Fredo jealous of Michael???

Was Ben Seaver jeolous of Mike Seaver????

Was Arnold jealous of Willis???

-- jonah sexton (, June 11, 1999.

damn, jonah, lighten up a little, it was just a question. and a very good one jenni! and ben is not all those things better than casey. i think they are totally equal, and no one should judge them, if they are siblings, and better yet best friends! -camra

-- camra daly (, January 16, 2000.

Hey Casey! You and your bro Ben are both soo hot! I love you both sooo much! I see why you'd be jelous though!

-- Emily Elizabeth Allard (, September 27, 2000.

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