Y2K Booby Traps -- Nuclear

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Examples to ponder ...

Hanford Disarming Its Booby Traps

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-- Leska (allaha@earthlink.net), May 25, 1999


Aieeee, and if nuclear hazmat accidents come downwind, don't count on the Hospitals:

Sustaining the Lifeline

Read the hospital statistics on information systems, medical devices, facilities, etc. and weep and gnash. Disaster alert.

mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm

-- Ashton (allaha@earthlink.net), May 25, 1999.

Another article, worth posting because several Yourdynamites have mentioned dog packs roaming post Y2K:

[ For Educational Purposes Only ]

Head-B utting Dog Holds Police At Bay

[ Just saw the perfect Butthead Xmas present for Paul Milne! ;-]

Head-Butting Dog Holds Police At Bay

Rottweiler Named Felony Flattens 3 Tires

BEAVERTON, Ore., Posted 7:21 a.m. May 26, 1999 -- Two police officers were held captive in their cruiser for half an hour when an angry dog started head-butting the car and ripping out chunks of tire.

The Beaverton officers were sent to investigate complaints of a dog chasing cars and bicyclists, reports The Associated Press. When they arrived, they found a 100-pound Rottweiler on the loose.

The dog began attacking their car and the officers decided to wait for animal control officers handle it. The dog flattened three tires on the patrol car before he could be contained, AP says.

The Rottweiler's name is Felony. The incident -- which took place over the weekend -- is not the first time the dog has used tires as chew toys, the wire service says.

The same dog was picked up in December for attacking a minivan. Felony flattened three tires on that vehicle as well.
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-- Ashton & Leska in Cascadia (allaha@earthlink.net), May 26, 1999.

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