info about Chinese immigration in 1920 : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

Hello, I am looking for information about travel time from China to San Francisco on a steam boat in 1920. Any ideas? Any thoughts on where to find the info? I have been researching and have found a lot about immigration, but not about how long it took in 1920 on a steamship. Thanks,

-- Ingrid Hoogendoorn (, May 24, 1999


"On Gold Mountain," by Lisa See, traces the history of her Chinese ancesters in California. They went back and forth between China and America a lot (I found this surprising) and she has some pretty specific information about each ocean crossing. I don't recall offhand if they went in 1920, but it would be worth checking. (She also has an exhaustive bibliography in the back--bet you'd find something useful there.) Good luck.

-- dorothy (, May 25, 1999.

Well I Answer But Have a Ouestion When Did The Chinese Immigration Begin Thank you.

-- Neece Cursh (, November 09, 2000.

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