Happenings at the Depot

greenspun.com : LUSENET : M.Ed. Cohort II : One Thread

I just wanted to make you aware of the new Antarctica exhibit that will be at the Depot from May 28-Sept 26. Antarctica is a traveling exhibit produced by the Science Museum of Minnesota. It examines the continent, its inhabitants, and the effects humans have had on the global environment. Antarctica includes interactive displays, penguin dioramas, video programs, three-dimensional models of Antarctic ice features, wind and ice sounds, and objects used by people who have lived and worked in Antarctica. The exhibit also looks at the impact of humans by looking at waste disposal, exploitation of living resources, and tourism. The exhibit is undergoing installation now, and looks great! You might want to consider it as part of your spring or fall field trips.

School group admission fees for the special exhibit are $2.90 per person. For schools in St. Louis County, admission is $1.50 per person. Adults are charged the same rate as students. These admission fees allow entrance to the Antarctica exhibit as well as the rest of the Depot-- Duluth Children's Museum, Lake Superior Railroad Museum, St. Louis County Historical Society Museum and to the Duluth Art Institute galleries.

Weds May 27th marks the opening of a special Brandenburg "Dancers on the blanket" exhibit of photographs of Arctic wildlife by the Duluth Art Institute, and Kuvaraito, Unto Jarvinen's 30 year retrospective of Finland's Arctic images, by the St. Louis Co Historical Society.

Bring your class or bring your family. Antarctica is a f-f-f-family exped-d-d-dition! Be sure to stop and say hello while your are here! If you would like to schedule a school group visit, please call me at 733-7509 or e-mail wallgren@excite.com to reserve a time.

Also, if anyone would like a copy of the Depot Outreach catalog that will be mailed in August, please let me know, and I will add you to my mailing list. The next Outreach season looks great with many talented artists (yes, Terrence Smith included). I have some schools who are already inquiring for fall scheduling of artists, and expect that we will book quickly, as we did last year.

Hope you all have a great summer! Think of us who are working all summer long while you are relaxing in the sun!


-- Anonymous, May 24, 1999


Thanks, Sandy. Where is your office located so if I come down this summer I can stop in and say "Hi"? I would love to bring my kids down this next school year, but I am not sure about funding. It is always the bussing that is the problem. Take care.

-- Anonymous, May 31, 1999

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