VCD plays in DVD? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Can the program Adaptec Easy CD Creator (not the deluxe version), burn cd's so that you can see them in a dvd player or in a vcd player?

-- Salvador (, May 23, 1999


You need the Deluxe Edition to get the VideoCD Creator it costs about $99USD. I don't know if CDR VCDs play in DVD Players though, I don't have one. If you want to copy the VCDs, then Easy CD Creator Standard should do just fine.

-- Mr.Ian Roswell (, May 24, 1999.

Yes, most DVD players will also play VCDs, the problem starts when trying to play home-made VCDs. As far as I've been able to determine (by reading tons of bbs postings and by my own experience), the problem has to do with the recorded media. Apparently, the laser that the DVD player uses has to be modulated to read lower-density data (like an AudioCD, or a VideoCD), and this process is affected by the translucent color of the media surface of CDR media, which can be yellowish or blueish, depending on the brand you use (Commercial CDs on the other hand, are completely silver, and have a transparent coating). Lots of DVD players will not even recognize there is a CD in the drive when you put a home-made ACD or VCD recorded on CDR media (I actually went to Best Buy and tried my home-made VCD on all of them). You need to experiment with (and probably waste) different kinds of CDR media, until you find one that your DVD player will recognize. My RCA DVD player will only recognize the Memorex CDRW media, and it works great.

-- Gil (, May 25, 1999.

You can purchase a silver on silver cd-r media from If you do not want to make a complete purchase, they allow customers to order a test sample(two discs) for about three dollars us excludes shipping. After receiving the media, DO NOT MAKE A COMPLETE CD OF VIDEO OR AUDIO, record a song in *.wav format(use a cd ripper like WinDac to make it easier). After the song is recorded, burn the single song to a cd, MAKE SURE IT IS AN AUDIO CD. You can do this by using the CD Player after the copy is complete. Finally insert the cd single into your DVD player. Since DVD players are also Audio CD players, push the play button. If you hear your song over the TV speakers or stereo(depends on how you hooked it up), then you can use that brand of CD-R media. THIS WORKS FOR ALL TYPES OF CD-Rs NOT JUST SILVER ON SILVER RECORDABLE DISCS.

-- Rutger Stevens (, May 25, 1999.

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