Phones messing up...... : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I live in Colorado and was reading the Rocky Mt news on Sunday. There was an article about the US West phone service being out of service a lot lately... I did not think too much of it and then we began having phone trouble here with Centurytel. I read an article in the paper about software problems and them having to reload the software about I week ago. Well since then somepeople I have talked to has been experincing problems... When an incoming call is taken you can not hear the other party but they can hear you. If they hang up and call back it seems to ring through so you need to tell them to call you back. This has been happening since the software crash and once in a while the phones just go dead. I sure how the phone companies can get the problems fixed before the year 2000. Is this y2k related or just coincidence???

-- annoymous (, May 20, 1999


Just a B I G guess. May be compliant software and non-compliant switching or visa versa ??????????????????? I have no clue, just a thought.

-- FLAME AWAY (, May 20, 1999.

I think your idea could be right one article mentioned the switching problems. I guess I could call but they wouldn't tell the truth anyway. Has anyone anywhere else had problems with phones......?

-- annoymous (, May 20, 1999.

I live in the Minneapolis/St.Paul area of Minnesota, and the local phone company here is catching hades from the regulators for not being up to minimal standards for reliability as of late. Why...?

-- MinnesotaSmith (, May 20, 1999.

I think I'd rather be where the phones aren't working so much!

Mine works so well that I get bill collectors for about 16 different people calling here, plus recordings from psychics, and also fax machines. And let's not forget the collect calls from people I don't even know!

-- J (, May 21, 1999.

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