Linhof Super Rollex 6* : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I bought this cassette the other day. I do not manage to get more than 8 frames out of one roll. Space between frames is variable from 1cm to 1 inch. The first three frames are adequate, after that the space between frames gets larger and larger, as though it would be a 6*9 cassette. Am I doing something wrong or is this cassette not functioning well? I always transport the film to the next frame by turning the handle a full 180 degrees. If I do not the counter jumps to the next frame-number before the film has been transported enough for a 6*7 frame, so I would get overlap of frames.
-- Lot (, May 18, 1999
Linhof in the Netherlands was/is Reinka IM-EN Export B.V. in Breda 76/42 30 20Linhof in Munchen is: 089/ 724 92-0
They can help you as can the U.S. repair center for Linhof at 973 808-9626
They are the ones to ask.
-- Bob Salomon (, May 18, 1999.