Big Shortfall claim! I am lost : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

We purchased a flat in 91 when he was 18 and I was 21. The financial pressure caused us to split up and I posted the keys back. We were finally repossed in June1994. We have since reunited have children -number 3 due in Sept. I purchased my council property in Dec 99 - because it was cheaper than renting. Everything was ok - I thought I would not get another mortgage. Then 3 weeks ago I got a letter demanding #35000. I was stunned . I have ignored all correspondence up until now, but am about to write and say I am seeking advice. I phoned a debt line who said that I could probably offer them around #3000 and they would accept, but I don't even have this. With new baby on the way I am lost... any advice would be welcome

-- mrs brown (, May 12, 1999


Sorry to hear about your problems. Let's start with a few questions:

Who is the original lender? Who wrote the letter: the lender or its laywer? If a lawyer, which one? Was the original mortgage a joint mortgage? Who is the current lender? Is your current mortgage a joint mortgage or individual? If individual, whose name is it in? Any signs that they sold the original house too cheaply? Any signs that they took a long time to sell it?

When we know the answer to these we can move on.


-- Lee (, May 14, 1999.

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