scanning : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread |
I have been getting some great results doing 3x4 and 4x5 image transfers, and I am ready to scan them. I want a digital version for archival reasons, and to print copies, perhaps for later sale. Can someone let me know what type of resolution is needed to make good 8x10 prints (size of file makes sense to me). Are people going to printers or photo places? What type of flat-bed scanners are being used?Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
-- charles shahar (, May 11, 1999
Dear Charles,I have have good success at scanning 4x5s at 300ppi and at 300% magnification. This leads to 70 meg files but allows me to mix this imagery with other film sources. If you only want to replicate the transfer up to 8x10 on an Epson or like picture use 150 ppi at output dimensions of 8x10. If you print to Iris, check with the service bureau to see what ppi is good. I think for transfers almost any flat bed scanner should work. The transfers don't have that much detail or the need for bit depth.
-- John Reuter (, May 16, 2000.